Huntress Claimed Read online

Page 4

  “I know, but I want to see it.”

  It was hard to express my actual desires in words, but not as hard as I’d have expected. They’d said several times that they’d been lovers until I’d shown up, but I hadn’t seen them do anything particularly romantic with one another. I was afraid that they were focusing so much on me that their relationship was suffering.

  It might have been an irrational concept. After all, they’d known one another for decades. A bond like that wouldn’t vanish just because they didn’t make out for a couple of weeks. But we were still at the beginning of our relationship and I didn’t want us to build our future on the mistaken belief that I had to be the center of every single thing.

  “We’re all in this together, right? Partners. So our relationship has to have balance. Don’t you agree?”

  It made sense in my head and I thought I was explaining it correctly. But my brain was having trouble processing complicated concepts, so maybe that wasn’t true. In hindsight, we should have had this conversation before. Oh well.

  Fortunately, my mates understood what I had in mind without me having to insist. “Okay, Genny,” Ulysses said. “We’ll do things your way.”

  Even as he spoke, he crawled up to Xander and kissed him just as fiercely as he’d earlier kissed me.

  Throughout the time I’d spent here, it had become obvious that mankind’s view of an Omega’s role in the pack was deeply flawed. It wasn’t unusual for Ulysses to argue with Xander or mouth off at him. But when it mattered, Ulysses always deferred to Xander and today was no different.

  Xander allowed Ulysses to dominate the kiss, but only for a few seconds. After that, he growled, stabbed his fingers through Ulysses’s hair, and took over. He thrust his tongue into Ulysses’s wet cavern and bit his lower lip. Blood pooled at the corner of Ulysses’s mouth, but he didn’t mind. He melted into Xander’s embrace, emanating waves of heat and lust.

  Byron didn’t join in. Instead, he grabbed me and dragged me into his lap. Supporting me against his chest, he made sure I had a full view of what Xander and Ulysses were doing. At the same time, he spread my legs as far as they could go. I could feel his erection nudging my ass, but he made no attempt to take his own pleasure. “Hot, isn’t it? I get where you’re coming from, Genny. I like watching them too. And I like watching you.”

  He bit my ear, all the while reaching for my pussy. As he started rubbing my clit, he kept his free hand around my neck, forcing me to never turn away. “Keep looking. I bet I can make you come just like this. Just from this.”

  I wasn’t taking that bet. I was already so aroused that I couldn’t figure out how I’d managed to explain what I wanted. My nipples peaked and tingled with need. I was so wet I was dripping and I instinctively tried to move back, to force Byron’s dick into me. But he was stubborn and he wouldn’t allow it, his hold on me as tight as a vise. “No, you don’t, gorgeous. You’re going to do exactly what you’re told now.”

  I moaned but didn’t struggle. In front of me, Ulysses and Xander stopped kissing. “Don’t worry,” Xander said with a small, wicked grin. “We’ll give you what you need.”

  Still holding onto Ulysses’s hair, he forced his Omega’s head down. Ulysses went along with it happily. He parted his lips and took Xander’s huge cock into his mouth, all the way to the root. Having sucked Xander’s cock many times, I knew that wasn’t easy. Ulysses made it look effortless. He bobbed his head up and down Xander’s dick, letting out the occasional growl, as if he was literally eating his Alpha’s prick.

  It was a bestial blowjob and the sight of it entranced me. Even if Byron hadn’t forced me to look at Xander and Ulysses together, I couldn’t have turned away. Or maybe that wasn’t true, because Byron was doing his very best to test my resolve. He mercilessly played with my clit, teasing it with his claw and with his thumb. He peppered my neck with kisses. On occasion, he stopped teasing my pussy, reached up, and pinched my nipples instead. He even fed his slick fingers into my mouth, forcing me to taste myself.

  It was a very erotic sensation, far more than I’d expected. And Xander got a kick out of it too. He seemed torn between watching his dick disappear between Ulysses’s lips and looking at what Byron was doing to me. Byron didn’t help at all. “Our mate’s really enjoying this. See how wet she is? I wonder… Who tastes better, her or Xander?”

  The question was obviously addressed to Ulysses and he interpreted it as a challenge of sorts. He increased the speed of his sucking and did something with his throat that made Xander groan in distressed arousal. With a snarl, Xander started thrusting into Ulysses’s mouth so violently I was almost worried he might shatter Ulysses’s jaw. But Ulysses took it all without protest. His clawed hands landed on Xander’s hips and he dug the sharp tips into his Alpha’s flesh. Blood seeped over his fingers, but somehow, I knew it wasn’t a warning or a plea to stop. It was another brand, just like the necklace. It was encouragement.

  After all that, it shouldn’t have taken Xander long to come. But in the end, I was the one who lost the battle first. Just like he’d promised, Byron made me fall over the edge with only his fingers and his voice. He swirled his tongue around my earlobe and murmured, “Come for me, Genny. Go on. Let go.”

  Byron wasn’t officially an Alpha and had never trained his Alpha voice like Xander had. But there was strength in it anyway, the same strength that allowed Byron to utterly destroy any opponent he had in battle.

  I couldn’t hope to resist him. Arching against him, I came. Xander took one look at my convulsing body and lost it. He buried his cock one last time into Ulysses’s mouth and found his peak. At the very last moment, he pulled Ulysses back and the last strands of cream landed over Ulysses’s face and hair.

  A strange mix of arousal and jealousy filled me. Byron’s touch felt so good, so addicting, but I needed more. I needed to be covered in their semen, to feel their heat inside my cunt, my ass, over my skin, and my mouth. Nothing else would ever be enough.

  I was too incoherent to ask, but I didn’t have to say anything. Xander released Ulysses from his hold and Ulysses crawled up to me. “Time to find an answer,” Ulysses murmured.

  His voice sounded even huskier than it usually did, which had to be because of the brutal blowjob. I was so distracted by it—and by the sight of his swollen, spunk-covered lips—that I didn’t understand what he meant.

  It was only when he bent over my body that I finally remembered. A few minutes ago, Byron had asked him who tasted better, me or Xander. Ulysses intended to find out.

  Slowly and lazily, Ulysses licked my wet folds. Still oversensitive from my orgasm, I let out a small cry. “P-Please. Please… Don’t…”

  “Don’t what?” Byron purred in my ear. “Should we stop? Should we leave you like this?”

  “No!” God, if they did that, I wasn’t going to survive it. “I just… I can’t wait anymore.”

  In response, Ulysses thrust his tongue into my cunt. I sobbed, coming very close to falling over the edge again. “You wouldn’t deny Ulysses his treat, would you?” Xander asked.

  “I… I…”

  “Come on, lovely. Speak up. Tell us what you want.”

  Xander’s voice held the full dose of his Alpha authority. It forced me to obey, just like Byron had earlier. “I need your cocks.”

  “I think we can work with that,” Xander said.

  After that, everything happened so fast. Ulysses pulled away from my pussy, licking his lips. Byron shoved me into his arms. In one single thrust, Ulysses buried his dick into my needy cunt. At the same time, Byron reached for my anus and rubbed my rim with his slick fingers. He slid one thick digit inside, then another. But the patience he’s shown earlier had run out, because he didn’t take his time to prepare me. A heartbeat later, he withdrew his fingers and replaced them with his massive dick.

  Xander loomed over me, as strong and dominant as always. He buried his fingers in my hair, just like he had done to Ulysses. Even if he’d already come once, he w
as still erect. Taking no mercy on me, he shoved his dick into my mouth.

  With the three of them inside me like this, I felt like I was dreaming. I was so full it hurt and when my lovers actually started to move, the overwhelming sensations became even more powerful. I was afraid that any moment now, I would fall apart, suffocate, or drift away into nothing.

  But no, that couldn’t happen, because this was meant to be. I belonged to them. The weight of the earrings and the necklace reminded me of that, but the feeling of belonging went beyond objects. I could hear it in every small groan that escaped their lips, in the way my heartbeat matched theirs. I could smell it in the scent of their sweat and their blood. I could see it in the surreal glow of their eyes, in the glint of their fangs. And first and foremost, I felt it, in every atom of my tortured body.

  Xander’s cock made my jaw ache. Taking Ulysses in my pussy and Byron in my ass stretched me to my limits. But that was just the way I wanted it. My body was theirs, a tool for their pleasure. I existed to be claimed by them. And in return, they would be mine too, my mates, my lovers, my protectors.

  I wanted to be with them forever. They understood me. They hadn’t turned away from me, even if I’d lost the battle with Daimon, even if I’d betrayed them and given myself to him. They accepted me and wanted me.

  Their strength, lust, and virility pulsed through me, turning my blood into liquid fire. “Please,” I tried to say. “Make me yours.”

  I couldn’t speak, though, and not just because of the cock in my mouth. It had simply become impossible for me to understand, let alone express, all my emotions. But that was okay, because my lovers did.

  Byron raked his sharp fangs over my throat. He was going to claim me. He was going to complete our bond, just like he and the others had promised. Time seemed to slow. Still trapped in the circle of pleasure they’d created, I waited for him to strike.

  And then, something unexpected happened. A voice of the back of my mind suddenly screamed, “No!”

  My body, mind, and soul were thrown into turmoil. Unimaginable pain, fury, and anguish flooded me. I screamed—and this time it wasn’t out of pleasure.

  My world shattered and I knew no more.

  Chapter Four

  We have lost. There is no way around it and no way to deny the truth.

  We have lost. The Julii have failed. Worse still, we have paid the price for our arrogance.

  Today, I stood in the ruins of Pompeii. The smoke and ash have yet to clear but we dared to venture into the city.

  I don’t know what I expected to find there. Survivors? Certainly not. The mountain’s power was more demonic than magic could ever be. The moment I saw day turn into night, I realized the fate of our people was sealed.

  Maybe I was just looking for answers, some kind of clue on how this was possible. We never even realized demons possessed this kind of skill. If only we’d known, the city might not have been turned into a mass grave for so many.

  But we haven’t found anything and it was considered too dangerous to venture too close, so soon. The demons might have prepared other traps for us and we already have the blood of countless innocents on our hands. Another failure would be unacceptable.

  No, this failure alone is beyond forgiveness. Men, women, and children… They’ve all been turned into statues, as if struck down by a curse of the gods, as if Jupiter himself has unleashed his wrath upon our world.

  It has been decided. We will abandon the fight against the demons. The wretched creatures possess skills beyond our abilities to fight. It is cowardly and it grates on me, but we have no other choice. The Julii cannot stand against this foe and the gods give us no other guidance.

  I can only hope other clans will be able to take our place. And I pray that our descendants will forgive us.

  - The Memoirs of Augustus Julius III, 80 AD, Private Records of Julii Hunter Clan -

  * * *


  Demons were treacherous and dangerous. I’d learned that lesson very young. When I’d been only five, our union had clashed with a large demon horde. We’d lost many good people, and my parents had been among the dead. Their loss had hurt like an amputated limb, and it still hurt now, so many years after they were gone.

  Even so, I liked to think I didn’t fear demons. They weren’t unbeatable. They were creatures of flesh and blood, just like the rest of us. It had been that knowledge that had allowed me to welcome Ulysses in the pack. And when Imogen had come, it had seemed like fate.

  “I was bitten by a vampire,” Imogen had said. But the vampires had never been the problem.

  We’d tried to be careful, to keep the demon who hunted her at bay. But maybe we hadn’t been careful enough. When the monster came out, I didn’t expect it at all.

  We were having sex and Byron was seconds away from claiming Imogen. I was the one who should have done it first, but I trusted him to be able to create our bond just as easily as I could. He didn’t get the chance to prove it. Before he could bite her, all hell broke loose. Imogen went rigid, magic starting to dance underneath her skin.

  It was the eeriest thing. I was mid-thrust, my cock buried in her beautiful mouth. I was so close to coming again I could feel it roaring through my spine. But then, I looked into Imogen’s blank eyes and saw jet black bleed into her irises. Sex became the least important thing on my agenda. My instincts of self-preservation screamed at me, “Move away!“, and I did.

  I didn’t want to. I never wanted to leave her, to shy away from her, no matter what the demon forced her to do. But my body moved without me giving it permission. It was a good thing too, because if I hadn’t obeyed my instincts, she would have probably bitten my cock off.

  Byron was just as fast as I was. He pulled out of her, rolled off the bed, and took cover, just in time to avoid a blast of demonic power.

  Ulysses wasn’t so lucky. He was underneath her and he would have had to shove her off to escape. Normally, that wouldn’t have been a huge problem, since she was as light as a feather to any werewolf and hadn’t actually tried to fight us. But she was also our mate. Moving away was one thing, pushing her aside while doing so quite another.

  It was a subtle difference, but one that made Ulysses hesitate. And so, when she screamed, he was still there, their bodies still entwined. “No!” she shouted, and her garbled cry seemed multiplied, as if spoken through several different voices. “I won’t let you!”

  Shadow and flame surged over the room and settled over us like the fumes from a volcanic eruption. I clutched my heart, finding it increasingly hard to breathe.

  Ulysses hissed, but his half-demon nature protected him. He pushed her down and covered her body with his. “Oh, no, you don’t. You’re not taking her. She’s ours.”

  “Idiot… Idiot wolf. You don’t know anything. You don’t understand…”

  Imogen screamed again, flailing underneath Ulysses. She reached for her own face, but Ulysses grabbed her hands before she could do any damage to herself. Deep gauges appeared over her cheeks and chest anyway, as if some sort of malevolent entity was clawing into her.

  It was Daimon Rossi. He was haunting her again, torturing her from the distance. She had said that he’d come to her in her sleep and it hadn’t happened again since the battle when she’d rejected him. Was this his way of getting revenge? I hadn’t thought he’d physically harm her. He’d seemed to want to protect her before, to a certain point, at least.

  I should have known better than to believe anything good about Daimon. He wasn’t Ulysses and any feelings he might have had for Imogen were selfish. It stood to reason that her rejection would push him over the edge.

  “Stay away!” Imogen shouted. “It… No! Don’t hurt them! They didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “They took what wasn’t theirs,” she replied in a different voice, “just like you did.”

  “No! You’re wrong. You’re wrong!”

  She sounded like she was arguing with herself, except that second voice wasn’
t Imogen. It was Daimon.

  I wouldn’t allow this. I refused to let that blasted demon claim any part of her. He’d sneaked into her mind once, when we’d been away. But now we were here, with her. We could protect her.

  “Ulysses, hold her down,” I shouted at him.

  “I’m on it,” Ulysses replied, “but Xander… This is… I don’t know what’s going on.”

  He sounded lost and confused and I hated it. Ulysses was very rarely confused. He understood emotions better than anyone and that knowledge served him well. In this situation, he should have figured out what was going on far sooner than I had. Was Daimon twisting his mind too because of the direct physical contact between him and Imogen? Anything was possible.

  Either way, I couldn’t just sit here on my ass and rely only on Ulysses to help Imogen. I didn’t have a drop of magical blood in my body, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me.

  Gritting my teeth, I made my way back to Imogen’s side. It felt like swimming against the current, through a wave of suffocating vapor. I had the urge to cover my nose, but I didn’t, because I knew it couldn’t help me.

  When I reached her, I forced her head down and looked into her eyes. Colors danced in her sclera and her skin was cracking around the edges, invaded by strands of black.

  “Genny, stay with us,” I said. “You’re stronger than this, stronger than him. You belong with us.”

  It was the wrong thing to say. Tears of blood pooled at the corners of Imogen’s eyes. “N-No,” she stammered. “Don’t… Don’t call me that. You can’t… You’re not them. You’re not my family.”

  She wasn’t making any sense, but I couldn’t expect her to. On her other side, Byron decided to take a different approach. He pressed a brief kiss to her temple and started humming under his breath.

  Music didn’t miraculously soothe the savage beast, nor did it chase demons away. We didn’t know any spells or chants. But Imogen had always liked our voices, even when we weren’t using them to exert our sexual authority over her.